The Camino Cafe

83 - Steve & Carol Lytch - Grace, Generosity, & Giving Back

Leigh Brennan Episode 83

Meet Steve and Carol Lytch! They have a passion for the Camino and for volunteering. Steve is Chairman of the Board of the American Pilgrims on the Camino and the two of them have walked numerous Caminos over the last several years. They enjoy giving back to the Camino Community by volunteering in numerous ways including serving pilgrims at the Albergue Peregrinos Ribadiso. In this interview, we chat about how the Camino provides us an opportunity to open to the giving and the receiving of grace, the generosity one experiences on the Camino, and the Beatitudes of the Pilgrim. This was a deep conversation about spirituality, the power of pilgrimage, and the Camino as a metaphor for life.

APOC Board Interview with the Camino Cafe Podcast Season 2, Episode 18

American Pilgrims on the Camino Website

Ribadiso Volunteer Info with APOC

The Beatitudes of the Pilgrim
Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that the Camino opens your eyes to what is not seen.
Blessed are you pilgrim, if what concerns you most is not to arrive, but to arrive with others.
Blessed are you pilgrim, when you contemplate the Camino and you discover it is full of names and dawns.
Blessed are you pilgrim, because you have discovered that the authentic Camino begins when it is completed.
Blessed are you pilgrim, if your knapsack is emptying of things and your heart does not know where to hang up so many feelings and emotions.
Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that one step back to help another is more valuable than a hundred forward without seeing who or what is by your side.
Blessed are you pilgrim, when you don’t have words to give thanks for everything that surprises you at every twist and turn along the way.
Blessed are you pilgrim, if you search for the truth and make of the Camino a life of your life,
Blessed are you pilgrim, if on the way you meet yourself and gift yourself with time, without rushing, so as not to disregard the image in your heart.
Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that the Camino holds a lot of silence; and the silence of prayer, and the prayer of meeting with God who is waiting for you

Please check out our new show, "Good Morning, Santiago"! It's exclusively here on YouTube:)

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The Camino Cafe's intro and outro song with thanks to fellow Pilgrim, Jackson Maloney. Original Song - "Finnis Terre" - written and performed by Jackson Maloney - Singer, Musician, and Songwriter. Connect with Jackson: